the word health is written in gold on a white background .
Amanda Roe • November 22, 2022

Have you ever been close to someone who has let you down, cut you off or hurt you irreparably?

The relationship/friendship you had was so special until a sudden change that feels like a betrayal of enormous proportions.


For years you may have held onto the memories of good times and friendship and possible reconciliation as they were such a significant part of your life.


Now it is just painful to think of them or see them.


Their whole personality has changed, the person they used to be is not there any more and you feel bereft.


Family and friendship circles mean you may bump into each other from time to time, which causes anxiety, sadness, anger and upset.


This fear and the fact you are not good at suppressing your feelings may be causing you to feel lonely or causing unwanted behaviours like nail biting or drinking or smoking more than you would like.


Have you got to a point were enough is enough?


Imagine what it would be like to feel better and get on with your life.


It is not possible to change others but it is possible to change how you feel, react and behave.


Many of my clients no longer want to be triggered by particular people, and no longer want to feel awkward or upset in their company.


They have had enough of the sadness and anger that affects their chest, mood and ability to breath and speak and are ready to say good bye to the pressure behind their eyes that fights to stay under control


Memories can be painful, you are ready to let go of the pain?


What would it mean to disconnect past memories from the emotions you feel today?


For some it is like a weight has been lifted

There is a greater ability to cope

They are happier

Not as anxious and the pain goes.


Some say they have more time for the present and the future

They are more open to the love around them

They feel good enough

Are open to a different dream of the future

Respect themselves more and accept it wasn’t their fault


It is not possible to change the behaviours of others however it is possible to change how we feel about them and the past.


There is nothing wrong with you, things can change and you can move on with your life and leave the past in the past.

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