the word health is written in gold on a white background .
By Eoin Roe July 10, 2023
Often by the time I see people in my office they have got to the point where the pain is so great that they have to do something about it. Invariably they have spent a period of time ignoring it, or continuing with ineffectual care or masking the pain with medication. This presents 2 big problems: 
By Eoin Roe July 10, 2023
I often have people in my clinics describe their knee pain, hip pain, back pain or any other kind of pain by saying - “It is just wear and tear I am getting old I suppose”. My reply is often along the lines of - “If it is just wear & tear and old age, then why isn’t the other knee/hip etc. painful? It is the same age, and has done the same miles.”
By Eoin Roe July 10, 2023
There are many different kinds of headaches and often diagnosis is not straight forward. One of the main issues that I come across is that people are wrongly diagnosing the type of headache they have. The most common in this group would be migraines. I am not sure exactly why this is but I think that in many ways the term migraine has become interchangeable with the word headache.
By Eoin Roe July 10, 2023
I often have people in my clinics describe their knee pain, hip pain, back pain or any other kind of pain by saying - “It is just wear and tear I am getting old I suppose”. My reply is often along the lines of - “If it is just wear & tear and old age, then why isn’t the other knee/hip etc. painful? It is the same age, and has done the same miles.”
By Eoin Roe May 13, 2023
Health professionals often recommend exercise as a treatment method for rehabilitating health issues and injuries.
By Eoin Roe May 13, 2023
I was driving to work the other day and listening to Pat Kenny on Newstalk and he announced that he would be interviewing someone about wearable technology that could tell you how you feel
By Eoin Roe May 13, 2023
In a landmark study published in the British Medical Journal in 2008 (Ruiz et al) reported on a study in which they measured the strength of 20,000 men and followed them up over 20 years.
By Eoin Roe May 13, 2023
Exercise is like all things in life it is all about balance. Too much is bad for you and too little is also bad for you. So how do you find a balance and do the right amount of exercise, which will give you all the health benefits to your heart, brain, and mental health and give you the ability to keep moving without pain.
By Eoin Roe May 13, 2023
We would all prefer to have good mobility and move easily without pain whether our goal is to stay active, be more healthy or to increase our sports performance.
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