Last month we had a look at normal blood glucose balance and how your body manages this. This month we are going to take a look at when blood glucose levels get too high. Ultimately this leads to Type 2 diabetes, which is induced by diet and lifestyle choices and is the end stage of an increasing level of dysfunction that can take 15-20 years to develop.
Before we go on to discuss the different stages leading to diabetes here is a list of common symptoms related to blood sugar levels that are too high:
- Fatigue after meals
- General Fatigue
- Constant Hunger
- Cravings for sweets – not relieved by eating them
- Must have something sweet after a meal
- Waist girth is equal to or larger that hip girth
- Frequent Urination
- Increased appetite and thirst
- Difficulty losing weight
- Migrating aches and pains
Insulin Resistance
In normal physiology as blood glucose levels rise the pancreas releases Insulin to push the glucose into cells so that the cells can use the glucose as energy. This works by Insulin binding to receptors on the cell surface and then glucose is transported into the cell. If the levels of glucose and therefore insulin are too high or remain high for long then eventually these receptors become resistant to the effect of insulin, meaning the cells cannot take up the glucose in the blood. This causes a further surge in insulin and contributes to a vicious cycle of more insulin resistance.
At this stage as the body can no longer store excess glucose in the liver or skeletal muscle it will convert it into triglycerides and this will be stored as body fat.
Early on in this stage your fasting blood tests for glucose will still appear normal but you will start to notice symptoms and perhaps the most important one is if you feel tired or you feel your energy levels drop after you eat. The reason you feel tired is that your body is converting excess glucose into triglycerides and this takes a lot of energy.
Don’t wait for blood tests to start indicating that your blood sugar is too high, now is the time to take action. The further you go on down this road to metabolic syndrome the more complex and difficult to resolve your issues will become.
Metabolic Syndrome
Further down this path is metabolic syndrome. You will start to find changes in blood chemistry, though not necessarily in the fasting blood glucose levels. There will also be changes to the lipid panel, namely a decrease in HDL (good cholesterol) and an increase in triglycerides (bad cholesterol). You may also find your blood pressure starts to rise and an increase in waist size as you put on weight.
As this pattern of dysfunction develops further changes to your physiology start. High levels of glucose start to modulate your brains ability to respond to leptin, which controls your appetite, with higher levels of leptin and resistance in the hypothalamus your appetite goes up meaning you never feel full.
Higher levels of insulin in the blood, which is trying to get the glucose into your cells, start to shift hormone balance in men and women. For men it causes an increase in estrogen but for women an increase of testosterone. This can cause problems with fertility for women and men. Emotional problems, anxiety and other issues can follow.
Additionally high blood glucose levels cause inflammation in the body which can lead to gastrointestinal problems and also promote the adrenal glands to release cortisol and other hormones that effect the kidney which can be responsible for electrolyte imbalances and higher blood pressure.
All of these effects have an amplifying effect on the level of glucose, insulin and other hormones in the blood causing multiple vicious cycles making it harder and harder to reverse.
The good news is that you can do something about this problem by changing your diet and lifestyle. If you are in the very early stages and are just starting to notice that you have tiredness after meals, changes to your diet by removing carbohydrates and sugar, adding some daily exercise like walking into your routine may be enough to reverse your symptoms.
If, on the other hand you have been having issues for a while and notice changes to your energy, you are craving sugar and carbohydrates, you have started to put on weight and find it hard to exercise because it causes pain, this is a complex web of symptoms and health issues. Just removing carbohydrates and sugars may not be enough. A more suitable approach such as a ketogenic diet may have to be considered (Bueno et al, 2013). Exercise is another area where the standard advice may not be helpful, it can cause pain and therefore isn’t beneficial. After a period of time loosing weight and reducing inflammation exercise will become possible but the type of exercise and intensity is important (Rynders et al, 2014).
One thing that everyone can do is to eat more fiber (Moghaddam et al, 2020). Fiber has a beneficial effect on all forms of blood sugar balance high or low. You can do this by adding more vegetables to your diet but not fruit. Fruit is too high in sugar so even though it has fiber it should be avoided. You can also take some fiber supplements like psyllium or chia seeds soaked in water, with every meal. If those don’t appeal to you fiber supplements are available in tablet forms at the health food store. It is important if you are taking fiber that you take it with every meal.
If you are dealing with metabolic syndrome or diabetes seeking guidance from someone who understands the complex web of issues caused by high blood sugar will be able to help you with a more targeted approach to getting your blood sugar and health back under control.
Bueno NB, Vieira de Melo IS, Olveira L. Rocha Ataida T (2013) Systemic Review and Meta-analysis – Very low carbohydrate ketogenic diet v. low fat diet for long term weight loss: a meta-analysis or RCT’s . British Journal of Nutrition (2013), 110, 1178–1187 doi:10.1017/S0007114513000548 q The Authors 2013
Moghaddam E, Vogt JA,. Wolever M(2006) The Effects of Fat and Protein on Glycemic Responses in Nondiabetic Humans Vary with Waist Circumference, Fasting Plasma Insulin, and Dietary Fiber Intake1. The Journal of Nutrition 2506 0022-3166/06 American Society for Nutrition.
Rynders C, Weltman JY, Jiang B, Breton M, Patrie J, Barrett EJ, Weltman A (2014) Effects of Exercise Intensity on Postprandial Improvement in Glucose Disposal and Insulin Sensitivity in Prediabetic Adults. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 99, Issue 1, 1 January 2014, Pages 220– 228,
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