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Controlling Destructive Emotions
Amanda Roe • September 16, 2021

We have all felt and expressed negative emotions, but people who struggle with reactive emotions like frustration, anger and rage can feel out of control and helpless.


there are 3 states of anger before rage.  Image you are now standing in front of your TV set with a hammer... if you are frustrated you may fantasize about smashing the TV with a hammer but not actually do it, if your angry you may scream violently on the inside or loudly on the outside or may even scream at the tv and make threats and gestures towards it with the hammer but you still don't follow through. If your in a rage you suddenly find yourself standing amongst shards of broken tv screen, breathing heavily, looking dazed and confused, or alternatively breathing excitedly and looking for the next thing to smash.  Both of these rage states are dangerous to yourself and others. You have some control over anger and frustration but you have almost no control over true rage, and this is destructive.


The reason for the lack of control is because negative emotions have a physical effect on our bodies. The Neanderthal man was designed to fight, run or freeze when confronted with danger, however we seldom need to run or fight for our lives like our cave dwelling ancestors. These emotions cause the secretion of chemicals and as the adrenal glands become over reactive hearing improves and becomes more alert, body strength increases and we have the ability to run faster. On the other hand brain function is inhibited and so is the ability to think clearly.


The struggle with these emotions and the surge of adrenaline can lead to feelings of confusion, resentment, anxiety, jealousy, fear, hatred, guilt, hostility and to angry out bursts at home or work. However most people learn to suppress or conceal anger which can be worse as they suffer headaches, ulcers, or chronic illness leading to depression.


Much has been written about relieving anger and hostility by screaming, slamming doors and telling someone off. These techniques do release the energy, but alone do not reduce the likely hood of us getting just as angry in the future.


Rather than becoming angry or afraid which confuses the brain we can channel these emotions by recognising that we have them. Taking time to identify the source of these feeling and by understanding their destructive nature. Then rage, anger and frustration can be controlled by interrupting the escalation of bad feelings that create these states. 


If you want to live happily and harmoniously with others and enjoy good health physically and emotionally. Hypnosis can help you to identify the root cause of your frustrations, and free you from negative thoughts, fears and emotions. So you feel calm, relaxed and in control.


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