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Coping with Stress
Amanda Roe • September 18, 2021

Are you fighting to keep your head above water?

As we go through life we all experience challenges and stress. Often the pressure is extreme to fulfil all of our commitments, from raising a family, work, caring for elderly relatives and the pressures of society to fit in, that we often feel that we are juggling so many balls in the air that we don’t have time for ourselves. The knock on effect is that when there is no time for self care, fun activities and hobbies there is less joy, creativity and fulfilment there to balance the stress. The pressure of always feeling on call to everyone else's needs can lead to comfort eating, weight fluctuations and negative self talk. As pressure grows stress related illnesses like hormonal imbalances, rashes, heart palpitations and irritable bowel issues can develop. and yet this may still not be enough of a signal to slow down. The stress of taking on too much, burying our own emotions and feeling responsible for others can weaken our immune system, leaving us fatigued, irritable and moody. Often at this point we turn to food, cigarettes, alcohol or other habits to help us cope.


When we are so overwhelmed it is like being in a river with the current pushing or pulling us along, we can look over at the bank and perhaps dream of what it will be like when we have the time or energy to get there but right now we are so busy keeping our head above water that we are not even aware of how strong or dangerous the current we are in actually is. When we are in so deep it is often the support of friends and family that can help us realise the importance of prioritising our own self care.


As a caring and loving person we often forget that care and love should start with ourselves. When we give ourselves the permission and time to deal with stress, past emotional issues and trauma, then our body and mind can breathe a deep sigh of relief. As our mood improves, we are more pleasant to be around, we have more energy to care for others and do enjoyable things for ourselves. We are also demonstrating a stress management model for our children to learn from.


Finding the right balance of diet and exercise is important for helping us deal with stress and can play a role in improving your mood and how you feel. Talking therapies help us to cognitively understand why we feel the way we do, however what is often over looked is the power of the subconscious mind to influence and control our behaviours and change how we feel.


Hypnosis is a powerful tool that communicates directly with the subconscious its like a lifebuoy that will hold you above the water helping you to relax your body and rest your mind so you can renew your strength, swim to the riverbank and climb out.


Hypnosis can also help you to identify the root cause of emotional and physical issues, helping you to understand your behaviours, change your thinking patterns and habits, resolve past traumas, influence your immune system, emotional responses and silence the negative voices inside your head.


I use a range of therapies including hypnosis to help patients overcome Anxiety, Trauma and other stress related illness, and work in person at Roe Health in  Skibbereen by appointment only and remote sessions via Zoom are available If you would like more information please book a FREE 15min Consultation with Amanda






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