the word health is written in gold on a white background .
Create The Life you Deserve
Amanda Roe • September 18, 2021

Have you ever felt yourself repeating the same negative behaviours day after day often against your own will? Perhaps you had decided to give up smoking, lose weight or control your temper only to find a cigarette in your hand, a biscuit in your mouth or an argument erupt totally out of your control. Many people feel a lack of control in their lives and wonder is it possible to break the cycle? The answer is YES you can break the cycle and regain control of your life!


So why is it that some people change their habits and behaviours and others don’t? The answer to this question is rooted in their belief system.


Your belief system is the framework that helps you to achieve your goals. The different types of beliefs are to:


-Believe something is achievable and you have the resources to make it happen.

-Believe something is achievable but that you don't have the necessary resources to make it happen.

-Believe it is achievable for others but not for yourselves.

-Believe it is not achievable


The strongest scaffolding is to believe you can achieve your goal. Then surround yourself with resources. Take action and give yourself time to see results. All of these steps are important, i.e. you may believe you can lose weight, you can clearly see how you will look, how this change will effect your life. You know what a healthy diet is and understand which exercises are best for fat burning and promoting health. Then you take action but if you expect to see immediate results within only a few days you haven’t given yourself the time needed for the change to be effective.


Additionally internal interference can sabotage our belief system if:


-   We are afraid to change

-   We don't know how to change

-   We don't give ourselves the chance to change because of limiting beliefs

-   We don't want to change i.e. you might think you should do something like quit smoking for health reasons, when in reality you actually want to keep smoking because its sociable, you get additional breaks at work, you find it relaxing or some other reason.


For effective change to happen it is important to ask yourself;


How do I know I want to change?

What will my life be like when I have made the change?


These questions will help you to feel motivated towards making this change for yourself, and visualising what this means to you in the future will help you to create a roadmap to follow on the journey to your goal.


It is possible to overcome life’s challenges and build a happier, healthier and more successful life. You can recover from trauma and anxiety and learn to manage stress. If you are curious about how you can take back control of your health and transform chronic mental, emotional or nutritional stress into health and vitality then get in touch, I am looking forward to hearing from you.  Book your FREE 15 min Consultation with Amanda here.


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