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Essential Nutrients for nerve function
Dr Eoin Roe DC CFMP • September 14, 2021

Essential nutritional elements for nerve, muscle and bone health.

The number of people who are suffering from musculoskeletal conditions has grown 25% in the last ten years and is increasing as time goes on. Some of the conditions that fall into this bracket are osteoporosis, low back pain, connective tissue disorders and osteoarthritis. As a chiropractor I see all of these conditions and I am able to help people with them.


Good nutrition is important for the body to develop and maintain good nerve, muscle and bone health. This is a big topic but I hope to be able to give some simple suggestions so that you can help yourself and your family. 


We are all familiar with the advice to eat vegetables and the reason is that this is where many of the nutrients and essential elements that we need come from (especially the leafy green ones). The nutrients that we require are numerous but here is a look at some of the most important and I picked these because they are the most common nutrients lacking in the patients that I see.




This is one of the most important elements for our body to function properly. It not only helps to maintain our bone matrix, but is also critical for the correct functioning of our muscles & nervous system. Calcium has an important role in the functioning of our immune system and our ability to fight infection and illness. Some good food sources are broccoli, cheese (real), sardines, bok choy and other cabbages.




Magnesium is another essential mineral along with calcium for healthy bones and teeth. It is also involved in correct transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification, and energy production.  Some good food sources are spinach, chard, chia seeds & almonds.




This element is essential for the correct functioning of the thyroid gland, which controls your basal metabolic rate (this is how fast your cells work at). Again like calcium and magnesium it has an important role in bone and neurological development in children and in immune response. Some good food sources are all sea vegetables, cranberries, strawberries and organic potatoes. (If you are suffering from a thyroid condition please discuss any nutritional supplementation of Iodine with a medical professional).


It is a great start for us to add more of these foods to our diet but that can be difficult especially with young children and some not so young who don’t like the bitter taste associated with some of these vegetables. Another option is to give a nutritional supplement to make sure that you and your family are getting what you need. Unfortunately not all supplements are made equal and I would encourage you to find a wholefood supplement. This will have the nutrients you need in the most digestible form and allow for optimal absorption in the body. For general good health a wholefood multi vitamin is a good choice. 


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