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Is Past Trauma affecting your health?
Amanda Roe • September 16, 2021

You can feel better without disclosing the details of a past trauma

Have you ever thought about how memories are triggered by your senses? Sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch can all trigger memories of a past time and place. The stimuli activates the memory and the memory activates the emotion. For example the smell of laundry might remind you of your granny, or a song might remind you of an old flame.

These memories can activate positive and negative emotions. Activated emotions like joy, happiness, sadness, anger, fear, panic, grief and guilt are often felt just as intensely as when they were first experienced at a time in the past.


The word ‘psychosomatic’ meaning ‘mind, body” recognizes that the mind and body are connected. Doctor’s recognize that stress and emotions are stored and felt in the body often leading to illness.  Have you ever heard someone say “ I can feel that in my stomach” or “ that really makes my head hurt”. As a hypnotherapist I often ask clients ‘Were do you feel that emotion?’ and using dialogue and psychosensory techniques the emotion is released and a resolution sought.


Negative events and circumstances happen to everyone. It is what you do with that information, that makes the difference to how you cope with life. When faced with life challenges, many people just want to get on with there lives and relate to the mantra ’the best thing about the past is it is in the past.’


Others want to understand why they feel the way they feel. Using hypnotherapy you can open doors in your subconscious so you have a comprehensive understanding of yourself. During hypnosis you are in control and decide how lightly or deeply you go into trance, its like a guided journey of discovery.


However, if you are someone who buries their emotions and memories in a place out of reach, doing your best to blank past events from your mind, then talking about the past may not appeal to you.

If you have experienced a traumatic event and the fear of retelling your story to others is stopping you from getting help.  I want you to know It is possible to feel better without disclosing the details.  It is possible to think about past events without feeling ashamed or embarrassed, and it is possible for you to feel in control of your own emotions.


Sensory inputs effect our emotions, and using psychosensory techniques it is possible to release emotions that are trapped in the body without the need to talk about the event. I can teach you interventions that allow you to release your own blocked negative emotions and can help you to control a panic attack, fear or anxiety.


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