As 2021 approaches many of us are thinking of New years resolutions, perhaps something we would like to achieve, something that we would like to give up or something that would make us feel happier and healthier. According to an Inc. study of 2,000 people, the top 2 most common resolutions made in 2019 were
No. 1 to Eat Healthier and
No. 2 to Exercise more
This may seem sensible however when this advice is taken to the extreme it can morph into a pattern of disordered eating, control issues, insecurity, distorted perception of self and distress.
In fact striving for thinness can compromise health and vitality. Disordered eating and eating disorders affect hormone function, bone density, blood pressure, glucose levels, mental health and can be potentially life threatening.
Eating disorders effect men, women, girls and boys. worryingly statistics indicate that
• 81% of 10yr olds are afraid of being overweight.
• 46% of 9-11yr olds are sometimes or very often on diets and 82% of their families are sometimes or very often on diets
• More that 50% of teenage girls and nearly 1/3 of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control techniques such as skipping meals, fasting, smoking cigarettes, vomiting and taking laxatives
With the use of smartphones we are less aware of the influences that others have on our children and so it is important to be aware of the signs that may be an indication of unhealthy eating patterns and distress around eating, and how as parents, friends or partners we can help them to feel good about themselves and support them to nourish their body and mind.
Warning signs include skipping meals, avoiding eating with family, going on a diet and becoming vegetarian/ vegan. Physical changes include feeling cold, bloating of stomach, constipation & abdominal pain, fainting, fatigue, muscle weakness, hair loss, tooth decay, digestive issues, difficulty sleeping, dry, thinning hair and skin, loss of periods, irritability, social isolation, inflexible thinking and depression.
Diets don’t work because they lead to unhealthy eating habits, nutritional deficiency, hunger, cravings, binge eating and weight that fluctuates. Worst an unhappy gut is linked with low mood, low energy and mental health issues.
It is far too common for eating disorders to start as dieting Kids may camouflage this as “healthy eating” so it is important for parents to be aware that healthy eating includes eating breakfast, lunch and dinner plus healthy snacks. Adequate nutrition comes from consuming nutritionally dense foods from all of the following food groups daily.
• Vegetables - eat the colours of the rainbow and particularly green vegetables which are full of vitamins and minerals i.e. peppers, tomatoes, carrots, salad leaves, broccoli, celery etc.
• Carbohydrates - choose wholegrain carbs like quinoa, oats, sweet potato, brown rice, wholegrain breads, potatoes. Just so your aware vegetables are carbohydrates so eat as much veg per day as you can.
• Proteins - Animals proteins ie. eggs, fish, meat and dairy are essential as they are the only natural source of B12. B12 helps to make DNA and keeps the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy. Other sources of protein are beans and pulses such as lentils and chickpeas, seeds and nuts, soy products like tofu and the grain quinoa.
• Essential Fats - are needed so the body can absorb fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. The best food sources of Essential Fats are avocado, chia seeds, eggs, fresh tuna, herring, mackerel, salmon, trout, flax seeds, almonds, brazil nuts, walnuts, organic nut butters, olives, olive oil, flax oil.
• Fruit - is a source of antioxidants and vitamins.
• Water - is essential to rehydrate the body
However please be aware eating disorders are ultimately not about food, but rather feelings, So perhaps this Christmas instead of complimenting someone on their appearance or weight even if well intentioned, instead ask them “ How are you?” and take the time to listen and support them to feel better about themselves.
Amanda Roe is an Anxiety and Trauma therapist. She uses a range of holistic therapies including acupuncture, hypnotherapy and coaching to help you feel great.
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