the word health is written in gold on a white background .
Dr Eoin Roe DC CFMP • September 10, 2021

Magnesium is an essential mineral we all need to function properly. It is involved in at least 300 different reactions in the body but most notably for glucose utilization, synthesis of fat, proteins, nucleic acids and coenzymes, and along with calcium for muscle and nerve function.


Magnesium is an essential component of chlorophyll in plants, like iron is to hemoglobin in animals. Any green leafy vegetable therefore will contain magnesium. It is also found in nuts (particularly almonds), seeds, eggs, fish, seafood, whole-grains, and cocoa. It is a water-soluble mineral so is easily excreted by the kidneys and when we sweat excessively we can loss large amounts of it, which brings us back to the hot weather.


One noticeable symptom of magnesium deficiency is cramping. The reason for this is the role that magnesium plays along with calcium in muscle function. Calcium allows muscles to contract and magnesium allows them to relax by stimulating calcium re-uptake. If there are reduced levels of magnesium, muscles cannot relax efficiently.


In skeletal muscle this can present as muscle cramps, but it can also have an effect on smooth muscle contraction including blood vessels, the uterus and the digestive system. This is why magnesium deficiency is also associated with symptoms such as hypertension, PMS and constipation.


There are other factors, which also increase the excretion of magnesium. Consumption of alcohol, medications including diuretics, and oral contraceptives can all increase the excretion of magnesium.


Magnesium is utilized more quickly in the body during periods of stress and intensive exercise. Even if your daily intake is considered normal, people doing a lot of exercise or sport may find that they are magnesium deficient.


Boosting Magnesium levels

You can improve magnesium status by:


  • Increasing intake of magnesium rich foods such as dark leafy green vegetables, nuts and seeds. Try adding kale, spinach and rocket
  • Soak in an Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) bath. Magnesium ions can be absorbed through the skin, which can aid muscle relaxation
  • Opt for a magnesium supplement 200-400mg per day ( make sure it doesn’t have any natural or artificial sweeteners.
  • Avoid excess alcohol
  • Try stress relieving techniques such as yoga, meditation and mindfulness





As magnesium has its own hypotensive properties, it can possibly make the effects of anti-hypertensive drugs stronger. Therefore, if you are on blood pressure medication, magnesium should be used with caution and blood pressure should be monitored.

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