Do you look in the mirror and not recognise yourself? Do you feel heavy, tired and frustrated that nothing in your wardrobe fits? Do you love food and drink, and feel happier when you are eating? Have you tried one diet after another only to find that you slim down for that all important size 12 photo and then it all piles on again?
Living in a bigger body can be stressful, especially if your doctor says you have to lose weight. Or if a well meaning family member or friend drop hints that weight watchers, slimming world, veganism, keto or some other diet plan will make all the weight disappear.
Scales are not an accurate measure of health. There are many factors that cause unexplained weight gain and make it difficult for you to feel happy and healthy.
Constant dieting can cause feelings of shame or guilt and negatively affect your physical and mental health. So it is worth knowing that often the extra weight you are carrying is not your fault.
Here are 5 key factors that cause unexplained weight gain.
1. Hormone Imbalance - Certain medications, including the contraceptive pill and steroids affect hormone balance and cause weight gain. Stress affects the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA axis) activating the stress response, which alter other hormones like estrogen or testosterone and cause weight gain and other problems like PCOS.
2. Blood Sugar dysregulation -diabetes, insulin resistance and carbohydrate intolerance all affect blood glucose levels. Causing blood sugar spikes and conversion of carbohydrates into fat stored around your middle.
3. Genetics may mean you are predisposed to chronic health conditions such as hypothyroidism which slow your metabolism or an autoimmune disease whose root is found in the gastrointestinal system causing bloating and inflammation which is often confused with weight gain.
4. Calorie restriction makes the body switch into starvation mode changing your metabolism and cause resistance to weight loss and even weight gain.
5. Trauma and childhood stress activate the sympathetic stress response raising cortisol levels, affecting hormonal imbalances and eating patterns.
The good news is that there are solutions available that can help you to recover from trauma, naturally balance your hormones, manage blood sugar and reduce the symptoms of chronic health conditions without calorie counting.
Your mental health is key to your happiness and body confidence, instead of calorie counting find a meaningful way to measure your health goals and nourish your body.
• Make sure to get enough sleep and quality rest.
• Choose fun ways to move your body, there are so many creative options online, perhaps ask someone in your lockdown bubble to walk with you or get out in the garden and listen to your favourite playlist. Or dance around the kitchen to the radio.
• Eat to increase your energy and nourish your body perhaps by adding X vegetables per day or drinking X glasses of water.
• Accept your current body size and wear clothing that you feel comfortable wearing. When you feel good in what you are wearing you are more likely to feel confident to move your body.
If you feel that any of the 5 factors above are the cause of your health problems then it makes sense to seek help from an experienced healthcare professional, as this will help you to feel in control and accelerate your health goals.
Amanda Roe is an Acupuncturist, Clinical hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, to book your FREE 15 min consultation with Amanda click here
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