As a parent I understand how difficult it is to get our children to eat a healthy diet that supports good mental and physical health. There is so much information out there about what a healthy diet is, however more and more people are confused and so I'm gonna start with the basics.
Firstly there are three main food groups, carbohydrates, proteins and fats
Carbohydrates are vegetables, fruits, bread, pasta, rice etc
Proteins are mainly animal products meat, poultry, seafood, dairy, cheese and eggs. There are also some plant-based proteins like soy, pea’s, pulses and hemp.
Fats are a bit more complicated. There are essential fat’s, meaning you can’t live without them, fats that are okay and bad fats.
Essential fats are full of omega 3,6 or 9. They are seafood, nuts, seeds, olives, avocado and certain oils like olive or nut and seed oils.
Good fats are natural fats that are found in meat, full fat diary products like cream and butter.
Bad fats are trans or saturated fat’s these are found in fried, processed and baked goods like fried chicken, chips, cakes, cookies, pies, and doughnuts.
Sugars are a carbohydrate these are found processed as sugar or sweeteners and naturally in fruit, honey, maple syrup, agave etc. Sugars provide an immediate fuel source however be aware when you have too much sugar it gets converted and stored in the body as fat. Sugar substitutes are growing in popularity they are lower in natural sugars but more difficult to digest and often connected to behavioural issues.
Encourage your children to eat lots of vegetables, cooked and raw, a smaller amount of fruit with good quality meat. The most important drink for children and adults alike is water. Kids love fruit juices but I would encourage you to have your children eat fruit and drink water.
Starting healthy habits when your kids are young makes it easier. But if this concept is new to you then, there is no better time than today to get started. As children become teens it can become more challenging to convince them, to eat regular healthy meals. Junk food is so tempting and they are bombarded with fancy marketing of the latest food trends.
Vegetarianism and veganism are very fashionable at the moment, and there are ecological and ethical reasons why someone would want to do that. However as a parent it's important that you are aware that removing animal products can impact on your child’s mental health.
The link between your gut health and your mental health is now widely researched and published. Disordered patterns of eating and omission of certain essential food groups leads to nutritional deficiencies. Your gut is your second brain and when it's not getting enough nutrition this can lead to hyperactivity, ADHD, dyslexia, poor concentration, tiredness, difficulty managing stress, anxiety, depression or even a hidden eating disorder.
Health, resilience and good cognitive function starts in your child gut. If you're concerned and would like support please get in touch. Amanda Roe is an Acupuncturist, Clinical hypnotherapist and Life & Health Coach, Book your FREE 15 min Consultation here.
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