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Hypnosis to help Fertility
Amanda Roe • September 16, 2021

Having a baby is a very precious gift, unfortunately it is not easy for everyone. As I have shared with you in the past, I have experienced severe hormonal imbalances since my teens. On both ends of the spectrum from amenorrhea which is the absence of menstruation without being pregnant to excessive bleeding that resulted in hospitalisation

and blood transfusion’s and many many hormonal symptoms in between. The female hormone cycle is constantly changing particularly as we reach pre menopause from 30-50. Although the fertility cycle is very sensitive particularly to stress the good news is that your symptoms are your bodies way of communicating with you and when you know how to read the signs it is telling you how to bring your cycle back into balance.


The hypothalamus controls the flow of hormones in the body. Its role is to maintain homeostasis ie. keep the human body in a stable, constant condition. However the hypothalamus is very sensitive to the internal and external environment including; light, temperature, hunger, blood pressure and stress.


When the body is stressed adrenaline is released by the adrenals. Adrenaline helps us escape from danger but it also inhibits the production of progesterone, which is essential for building and maintaining a lining of the uterus, thus impeding fertility. Also during times of stress both men and women can produce prolactin. Prolactin which stimulates lactation in preparation for nursing inhibits a woman’s fertility so she’ll be less likely to conceive. After prolonged stress the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) can become hyper-stimulated, also impairing the optimal function of the reproductive system.


Hypnotherapy can help with fertility by:


Helping you feel better about yourself

Identify and eliminate any fears or subconscious blocks to conceiving

Reduce stress so enhancing your chance of conceiving either naturally or with ART

Help you feel mentally, emotionally and physically prepared

Help you get back in touch with your body.

Prepare your body for conception

Balance your hormone levels

Increase sperm count

Assist your fertility cycle

Increase the effectiveness of IVF

Improve your emotional and mental health

Help you regain a sense of control over your life


Hypnotherapy is a fast effective way to treat stress, balance your hormones naturally and reset the SNS. As a complimentary therapy it supports natural conception and IVF. Research has shown that *Hypnosis increases natural conception by 50% and can effectively double the success of IVF treatments.


Hypnotherapy is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress and increase feelings of calmness and relaxation. It is a very powerful way to overcome any fears or phobias which may be impacting on your fertility levels. It helps clients to get back in touch with their body, remove subconscious blocks, balance hormones and assist your fertility cycle. Hypnosis can also help you to restore confidence in yourself and your body.

*The Journal of the American Medical Women’s Association 1999 

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