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Boost Your Fertility
Amanda Roe • September 16, 2021

Resetting your stress levels boosts fertility

As a hypnotherapist I help people to clear and manage stress. What is interesting is that stress is accumulative and your bodies response to stress is the same regardless of were that stress comes from.

The right amount of stress can be motivational, energizing and give you the confidence to preform at your best.  However when you move over that threshold and the balance is no longer there, stress can effect your health and your fertility.

Most people think of stress as being work or life related but there are a number of other stresses that affect you:

Environmental stress -  Is an external chemical stress from exposure to harmful chemicals at work or in the environment.


Nutritional Stress - Is an internal chemical stress from eating a diet lacking in nutrients or that is toxic. 

Physical stress – Excessive physical stress i.e exercise or physical labour. This could be from a punishing work regime. People involved in manual labour may be suffering from this form of stress – or even those who are just doing too much in the gym and training too much.

Emotional stress - from your current life, work, relationships, memories, childhood conditioning, low self esteem, emotional issues, mental or physical abuse, and negative self beliefs can all affect your mental and emotional wellbeing

The hormone cortisol is produced by our adrenal glands. Cortisol is one of the main hormones which heals the inflammation caused to the body by stress. The body is designed to manage a certain level of stress but when stress increases beyond the ability of the adrenal glands to maintain cortisol levels then the adrenals steal and transform other hormones into cortisol.  Sex hormones and particularly progesterone are converted by the adrenal glands into cortisol and can lead to hormone imbalance.

Progestrone is a male and female hormone that affects every tissue in your body including the uterus, cervix, prostate, endocrine system, brain cells, fat metabolism, thyroid function, water balance, nerves, bone cells, energy production, the immune system, libido and the survival, development and growth of the foetus.

So as you can image the longer you are stressed the greater the impact on your fertility and general health. Resetting stress levels gives your body an opportunity to re-establish normal cortisol and progesterone levels and increase sperm count.

Hypnotherapy is a fast and effective way to resets stress levels and create a mindset that helps clients to re-establish control over their lives. Each session is tailored to your unique situation, helping you to get back in touch with your body, resolve emotions and eliminate fears or subconscious blocks. Preparing your body for conception and naturally balancing your hormone levels. You will also gain knowledge and techniques to manage stress at home

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