Do you feel trapped unable to move forward? Do you experience feelings of anxiety, depression, insecurity or fear? Do you over think every decision? Or have you ever wondered how to break free from memories that stop you from moving on with your life?
Life is full of challenges and everybody experiences extreme stress at some stage in their life. This could be a health stress, economics, your career or even the environment. Some people find coping or moving forward easier than others so what is the difference between those people who have moved on, not allowing their past to hold them back and those who feel trapped, frozen or have given up?
Victor Frankl was a physiologist and victim of the holocaust during World War 2. From 1941-45 Jew’s were targeted for extermination and Victor was imprisoned in the Auschwitz concentration camps. In 1946 he published his inspirational book Man’s Search for Meaning were he recounts his time in the concentration camps and what he learned about human nature. His insights have helped to shape the world of psychology, coaching and therapy and give an understanding of the inner strength that can keep us going through loss, torture and humiliation.
When something extremely stressful happens the one thing that remains is the freedom of choice. We can choose what to focus on, what things mean and what to do about them. You can chose whether to keep going or give up. You can tell yourself that life is half empty or half full, its the same measurement just a different outlook. Hope for the future and the power of choice will give your life a focus. When driving a car you go were you are looking. In life your focus for the future creates a road map to keep you on track and help you get there.
Patterns of behaviour that keep us stuck are established when we first experience a situation and find a resourceful way of coping. That behaviour becomes the default setting. For years it may be a very successful response that helps us cope, but this behaviour can eventually start to trip us up and lead to unhelpful responses that make us feel trapped.
I am going to give an example from the work of Tony Robbins of how effective hypnosis is at identifying the root cause of an issue and helping someone to overcome a destructive behaviour so that they could have a more successful life. Rechaud was a bright young man with a life long stutter. He won a sports scholarship to a university in the USA but once he started his studies his inability to speak publicly lead to him to drop out of college and to stacking shelves. He married and had a beautiful baby girl. But his stutter was preventing work opportunities and he felt trapped and that his life wasn’t going anywhere. Rechaud wanted help to improve his life and went to see life coach Tony Robbins who used hypnosis to help Rechaud remember that his stutter began when he was very young, about 2 yrs old when he was watching TV and his Mum and Dad where arguing. His father was being physical with his Mum and Rechaud was very afraid. At that moment he was watching a Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon. Bullwinkle had a stutter and when something bad happened he would call for and Rocky would always respond to Bullwinkles stuttering cry for help.
The realisation of where our behaviours have originated gives us the opportunity to establish new behaviour patterns. With hypnotherapy Rechaud became free of his stutter and able to move on, speak fluently and confidently in both his personal and professional life.
Lots of people including top personalities, sports men and women, business people, singers and ordinary people just like you use hypnotherapy and coaching to overcome their obstacles and create massive personal and professional change.
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