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Mind Over Matter
Amanda Roe • September 16, 2021

Your mind has the most amazing ability to influence your body

Have you heard of Dr. Angel Escudero? He was a surgeon who performed over 10,000 operations without using drugs for anaesthesia.  Dr. Escudero called his technique Noesitherapy which means ‘Healing by thinking’. The power he was tapping into is your bodies ability to obey everyone of your thoughts.  When you have the need, and believe that you can, then you have the ability to control and regulate the complex activities of your body and the sensations that you feel.


You can find Dr Escudero on YouTube using his technique in BBC TV’s “Your life in their hands” with his sister as the patient undergoing knee surgery - Warning it is in B&W but not for the faint hearted.


Although Dr Escudero said his technique was not hypnosis, from what we know today it would be categorised as “hypno-analgesia”. Hypno-analgesia is when hypnosis is used to produce a unique pain control which has outstanding results for drug free surgery and dentistry .


The medical application of Hypnotherapy is not new, achieving analgesia for surgery is only one example of the power of your mind to influence your body. Throughout history many cases of people using hypnosis to relieve pain have been documented and Hypnotherapy is still successfully used to treat a range of clinical conditions including: Chronic pain, arthritis, strokes, obesity & eating disorders, natural hormone balancing, infertility, blood pressure issues, diabetes, headaches, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD, gastrointestinal issues, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) etc. Hypnotherapy is also beneficial for the relief of headaches as it gives the client the skills to manage stress and clear emotional overwhelm.


Suitability of using hypnotherapy for analgesia:


The sensations you feel in your organs and tissues are your bodies way of communicating with you. Pain is a sign from your body that something is not right. If you are experiencing pain the first thing you should do is visit your doctor to make sure that there is no functional problem and check that removal of the pain would not endanger you in anyway.


There are typically 3 types of clients who benefit from Hypno-analgesia.


The first are those clients who want to have drug free pain control for childbirth, dentist visits and surgery.


The second are clients whose pains are stress related, phantom pains, or related to blocked emotions, trauma’s or fears.


The third are terminally ill clients who would like to manage their own pain.


Approximately 80% of clients who use hypnotherapy for the long term relief of chronic pain and continue with the techniques at home are able to maintain their own pain-free state as long as required.


In all cases hypnotherapy can work to clear emotional overload and mental distresses, and provide you with the resources to manage your condition, improve your health and keep doing the things you enjoy. 

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