the word health is written in gold on a white background .
I didn't know it was possible to feel this good!
Amanda Roe • September 27, 2022

Restore your health

I grew up fascinated by old cars. Its almost as if after a certain age they become more valuable. The owner will give them more care and attention than they may even have had in their prime.


My dad loved vintage cars. He would go to rallies and dream about owning one someday. I remember him buying an Austin 10, I was in my teens and it was already nearly 40 years old.


It was a hobby, a labor of love. He knew every inch of that car and lovingly restored it. He would travel to vintage rallies at the weekends, and polish it till it gleamed. I marveled at those sweeping wheel arches and the funny round lights… he still has it, gosh it must be more than 70 yrs old now. It has given so much joy to so many people. He would volunteer to chauffeur at weddings, so many happy brides and the pride on his face.


Who knew life could be so great in your vintage years?


Then when I went to my first brokers yard there were so many cars… abandoned, forgotten. I know many of those cars could have had a different journey with a different owner? Could have had its full potential realized.


I have a client who said to me recently “I had to get better to realize how bad I was”. It’s amazing how resilient the human body is. Anxiety, fear and and elevated heart rate were normal. For her driving the car more than a few miles was difficult. Public travel, going out for dinner and shopping caused panic attacks. She couldn’t go for a walk without rescue remedy, or travel as a passenger in a car without closing her eyes.


She kept struggling on, it was her normal after all… Until, she decided enough was enough. She say’s “you have to have the opposite to know what good feels like”. Now I feel great! I go with the flow. I don’t question myself. I do things. I am there and back before I know it, and I did it… I got the bus the other day. What an awful crowd in Pennies but it was a breeze. It is good to have a body and mind that are calm and relaxed, to feel confident in all situations. I keep feeling better and better. I didn’t realise it was possible to feel this good.


As humans we have the potential to survive extreme situations. We can see that in history, unimaginable can become normal. Your body will keep going until it becomes so exhausted it collapses. A sensitivity to light or sounds can become just the way it is. Being easily started becomes entertainment for others. 


A thought can cause fear and panic and the need to get away. Just like a speed wobble it can appear that things are ok, then suddenly they are not.


You have it within your control to stop this cycle and make anxiety, fear and panic a thing of the past.


Just like a vintage car you can restore your health.

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