As a hypnotherapist I would definitely say yes hypnosis is real and it can improve you life and health.
But perhaps it is not what you have imagined.
Hypnosis is a universal sensory language that is used every day to communicate between your conscious thoughts/desires and your subconscious emotions/behaviors.
It is also used to communicate more effectively with others.
We are all in a state of self-hypnosis every day.
It is a language that we all have access to.
However, most people are not aware that it even exists.
When people think of hypnosis
They normally associate it with someone doing something to them.
Stage hypnosis is normally the first thing that springs to mind.
Often people think of this as being out of control and doing silly things to entertain others.
Next, they may think of hypnotherapy, when hypnosis is used as a therapy to help someone overcome an emotional problem, psychosomatic (Mind/body) illness or change an unwanted habit.
With both of these you imagine someone with their eyes closed who appear to be asleep.
But are you aware of waking hypnosis?
Waking hypnosis is the language of influence that is around us all the time, when your eyes are open, when you are talking to others, watching TV or listening to a song.
It is used regularly in advertisements on the radio, social media, buses and billboards
In advertising this language is used to try to influence you or coerce us to purchase something we may not need or want,
Self-hypnosis comes naturally for those who are able to ‘get in the zone’ or who easily move towards their goals.
It is a sensory language, when words and thoughts and desires affect your body on a physical level.
For example, it can affect your breathing, your heart rate your ability to relax, digest, de-stress and focus.
It is particularly beneficial for those suffering with IBS, anxiety, fears and phobias.
Although this language is easy to learn it is not taught in school and so many of us find ourselves unwittingly influenced by others or even self-sabotaging our best intentions or greatest desires.
Understanding the language of hypnosis can help you improve communication with yourself and others and get your life back on track.
If you are curious, I would suggest starting with a guided hypnosis that you can use in the comfort of your own home.
Hypnosis can be a pleasant state of relaxation and I have created a ‘Relax in Nature’ recording that is FREE to download on this website
For people who find it difficult to relax and switch off, a guided hypnosis can be very helpful as an afternoon nap or at bedtime to help you sleep.
Relaxing your body and mind is wonderful for managing stress and boosting your immune system.
For best results listen to the recording once a day for 3 weeks and then as often as you like after that, obviously the more you listen the more benefits you will experience.
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