Psy TaP is a collection of Psycho sensory (mind/body) techniques that relieve stress and rapidly bring your emotions back into balance.
Many people are aware that working with the mind in hypnosis has a positive effect on the body. Well the opposit is also true working on the body has a positive effect on your mind. By working with your eyes and sensory points on your body you can change how you are feeling.
For more than 2,500 years hypnosis has been used for pain management and to bring relief from physical illness. Hypnosis is still used today for childbirth, dentistry, surgery and relief of psychosomatic (mind/body) illness that has been brought on by stress.
Some illnesses that are stress related are tension and migraine headaches, painful menstruation, ulcers, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, acne, obesity, tachycardia, high blood pressure, chronic pain, insomnia, impotence and frigidity. Interestingly according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States and the National Council on Compensation of Insurance 75-90% of doctor visits in the USA are for stress related illnesses.
Psy-TaP techniques can rapidly calm the mind and rebalance your feelings and emotions. This in turn brings relief to sufferers of stress related illnesses.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that your vital energy travels through the body in channels called meridians. Hippocrates called this energy natures life force. It is called ch'i by the chinese, ki by the Japanese, prana by the Indian yogis, rlun by the Tibetans and bioplasma by modern scientists.
It is believed that when our mind and body is in good health our vital energy follows through all the meridians in the body. However a physical or mental stress or a trauma can block this energy flow. Various feeling and emotions such as nervousness, anxiety, worry, grief, anger, hostility, depression, panic, fear or even jealousy can be an outward expression of this blockage. These distressing emotions activate our sympathetic nervous system and keep us in a state of high alert. You may find that you have difficulty sleeping, noise bothers you or your not hungry, your restless, over thinking, obsessive, irritable or hostile and your body is ready to fight, run or freeze in a split second.
Psy TaP techniques restore the flow of energy in your body and bring harmony to your feelings and emotions. The parasympathetic system is activated and feelings of openness, resolution, joy, confidence, empathy, motivation or happiness are accompanied by body mind relaxation.
Psy TaP is particularly beneficial for people who have experienced stress or trauma, if you are overwhelmed by emotion, experiencing fear or phobia's, PTSD or addictive behaviours. Because Psy TaP works on an energetic level there is no need to talk about past stressful or traumatic events.
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