Do you suffer from chronic pain, or an illness that is triggered by stress? Resetting your stress response will help to reduce or eliminate pain and will boost your immune systems ability to naturally heal your body and recover from illness.
Your bodies ability to function depends upon the balance of your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system which is responsible for our ability to protect ourselves and the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for relaxation, digestion and the regeneration processes.
When we are tense, stressed or anxious our sympathetic nervous system is activated and our body goes through a number of changes. Just imagine….. It is a nice, sunny are taking a nice walk in the park. Suddenly, an angry bear appears in your path. Do you stay and fight OR do you turn and run away? These are "Fight or Flight" responses. In these types of situations, your sympathetic nervous system is called into action - it produces an injection of energy, your blood pressure increases, your heart beats faster, you become more sensitive to sound and pressure (pain), your bowels may be evacuated and digestion slows down all so you can be more reactive and responsive.
In nature a fright would be followed by an action to run or fight, then the sympathetic system would reset, the body would reactivate the parasympathetic nervous system and the body would rest, digest and repair.
Chronic stress and unresolved trauma interfere with the balance between these two systems. When the sympathetic nervous system is activated for extensive periods it prevents the body from resting fully, often people describe this as ‘feeling tired yet wired’ it reduces the bodies ability to digest and absorb nutrition from our diet, it affects natural hormone balance and impairs the immune system and is linked to many stress related illnesses including chronic pain, infertility, skin conditions, fatigue, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety and depression.
To reduce stress in your life and boost your immune system
If you are experiencing chronic stress or the after affects of trauma you may need help to rebalance your nervous systems. Mind/body therapies like hypnosis can deeply relax your body and mind, reset the parasympathetic system, improve digestion, support the immune system, rebalance hormone’s and relieve or reduce the symptoms of stress related illnesses.
Amanda Roe is a trauma therapist and mind coach. She uses a range of holistic therapies including hypnosis to help you to improve your physical, mental and emotional health. To Book a FREE 15min Consultation with Amanda click here.
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