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What is Hypnosis?
Amanda Roe • September 18, 2021

Everyone knows that we have a conscious and subconscious mind.


The conscious mind is in our brain and easily understood. The subconscious is a bit more mysterious. It runs all the operating systems in the body, controls the nervous system, keeping our heart beating, lungs breathing, stomach digesting and our organs working effectively, regulating the hormones and keeping us alive and healthy without us ever thinking about it. The subconscious can be felt in any organ or tissue of our body, it communicates through our emotions and controls our behaviours.


The conscious mind thinks it is in control BUT the subconscious actually has the final say when it comes to our habits, behaviours and emotional needs.


Hypnosis is a very old healing modality that creates a bridge between the conscious and subconscious. It is a safe, gentle way to heal the body, reduce stress, relieve pain, emotional issues and recover from trauma. Many are worried that hypnosis is mind control when it is actually a way for you to learn the language of your own subconscious so that you can change old habits and make new behaviours permanent. In fact it is a bit like updating the software on a computer or app.


Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis to help people feel better and learn skills that can help them transform their lives in a positive way. People in a hypnotic trance may look like they are asleep, but trance is more like daydreaming. I wonder did you daydream at school? Did you daydream with your eyes open or did you close them so you were less distracted and more easily transported to somewhere else in your mind?


Trance is were you choose to tune the conscious mind and subconscious into the same frequency so they can communicate, and work together giving you the opportunity for personal growth and healing and give you the opportunity to recruit your internal voice so it is encouraging and supportive. Relaxation, focused guided imagery; suggestions and therapeutic metaphors can be used to build self-control over physical and emotional problems. Increased self-awareness and mastering the ability to control your own symptoms increases with practice.


There are no risks or adverse effects with hypnosis as you are using your own imagination to tap into your inner strengths and resources.


Hypnotherapy is a solution focused, transformation therapy. It has been used successfully with adults and children to treat pain, anxiety, fears, phobias, asthma, bedwetting, stool withholding, eating disorders, depression, smoking, addiction and many other problems. The value of hypnosis goes beyond its ability to help with these ailments. With self-hypnosis comes the knowledge that you can take control and manage your physical, emotional and psychological problems. Having these versatile techniques in your possession can help you meet new challenges throughout the rest of your life.


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