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Exam Stress
Amanda Roe • September 16, 2021

If you want to put effective strategies in place to prevent exam stress you need to do it early

Your child will want to do their best in the leaving cert but there is a danger if they ignore these 3 important de-stressors that the desire to study and play may exhaust them, reduce their cognitive ability, effect their health and prevent them from preforming at their best. Striking the right balance is important as the stress management strategies we put in place as young adults become our default stress response as we get older. It is therefore important for students to choose strategies that help them to be proactive, focused and time efficient and to constantly re evaluate these strategies so obligations and daily stresses can remain motivational.


Each of these de-stressors are equally important and take time to establish.


SLEEP - Many teenagers think they can get by with very little sleep and then catch up at the weekend. The reality is that inconsistent sleeping patterns put our body clock out of balance and effect mood, energy, memory and ability to think. Sleep deprivation is also linked to increased anxiety and depression. Light from mobile phones, computers, televisions and lamps all effect the levels of the hormone melatonin produced by the body to regulate the sleep-wake cycle. It is worth noting that having a consistent bedtime and breakfast time that allows your 17/18 yrs olds to get the recommended 9-12 hrs of sleep per night will improve concentration, productivity and mood. In fact restoring natural sleep patterns is more effective at improving mood than antidepressants (Hari J, 2018)


NUTRITION - Provides our bodies with the energy, protein, essential fats, vitamins and minerals to live, grow and function properly. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should be eaten within one hour of rising. Many teenage don’t like to eat breakfast as they experience a slump mid morning this is normally a sign of a food sensitivity or inadequate nutrition. A food exclusion protocol is the most accurate way of finding the cause. For more energy eliminate sugary foods particularly those with artificial sweeteners, flavours, colours and preservatives. A wide variety of wholefoods, protein, essential fats, vegetables and fruit are needed to support the immune system and provide the right amount of nutrients for good health. You might consider supplementing Omega 3 and Vit D3 as they work together to support brain function and mood. Drinking water through the day is important to keep you hydrated and flush toxins from the body.


EXERCISE - Moving your body is good for relieving tension and reducing stress levels. Physical activity and laughing both increase the production of feel good endorphins. Encourage them to choose an activity they look forward to, it could be a team sport or something none competitive like dance, yoga, tai chi, swimming or gardening. It is important to make time everyday to exercise, if your kids say they are too busy to do sport encourage them to walk. Walking is kind to joints and gets us outside in the fresh air. It can be easy to add walking into their journey to and from school. Any form of physical activity can help them unwind and relieve tension so should be an important approach to easing stress.

Hari J, Lost Connections. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018.

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